Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Daryl Austin, The Milk thistle painting, 2006/7, oil on linen, 81 x 101 cm.

If noticed, any weed is only recognised by what it is not and the cultivator's belief that it should not be there at all.
Which,are for me the much needed attributes required of paintings at present. Neither what people immediately recognise nor what they particularly want.
It's about operating counter to the prevailing cultivator and persisting.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Great Piece of Turf ( Das große Rasenstück) 1503 is a watercolor painting by Albrecht Dürer. The various plants can be identified as cocksfoot, creeping bent, smooth meadow-grass, daisy, dandelion, germander, speedwell, greater plantain, houndstongue and yarrow. (Source: Wikipedia)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas stocking
Tree of life
Weeding out

Helen Fuller, Goodwood, December 2010.